Some like it hot
Disclaimer : I am British look it up, we all moan about the weather.

Well for the last two days I have been too hot inside the apartment. Which isn't like me at all , it's been too hot to sleep too hot to cook too hot to clean. The AC has been on. We have the fan on at night but it was blowing that hard I kept waking up thinking things were crawling over me( It was the fan blowing my hair onto my face). Last night I went to bed with my hair tied back but still hair escaped during the night. Today its discovered that the AC wasn't working properly, it is now "ahhh cool air at last" Of course now I need to go and put a sweater on when I stand at the sink its that cold.

I made chilli for dinner, cooked all the meat in one pan and heaped a load of beans , tomatoes etc in the large pot. Added the cooked meat and more spices etc....Then did what I do best forgot about it. I wandered into the bedroom , checked my emails etc, after a while I remember the chilli. I go to the kitchen to stir it, "Yikes" as I am stirring there is a burnt smell wafting through the air. I can feel burnt bits on the bottom of the pan, I look down and the heat is on high. I cover my tracks by turning it down to simmer, but not before the smell has been noticed by WP. Of course I lied and said it had been on low all along and its the pan that's cheap and thin.
Of course I know he will read this but what can I say, I have an honest streak.

Today WP made this tasty concoction in the blender, I think it had Ice, Lemon juice, orange juice and brandy all blended up into a slushy. It had a bit too much of a kick so we added sugar and crushed pineapple. Yum.
Trouble is its too cold inside now to eat them. (jk)
Oh and one last thing, WP today demonstrated that he knew how to use the vacuum cleaner, and that he could use it whilst wearing only boxer shorts.
Have a great weekend everyone ;)

Well for the last two days I have been too hot inside the apartment. Which isn't like me at all , it's been too hot to sleep too hot to cook too hot to clean. The AC has been on. We have the fan on at night but it was blowing that hard I kept waking up thinking things were crawling over me( It was the fan blowing my hair onto my face). Last night I went to bed with my hair tied back but still hair escaped during the night. Today its discovered that the AC wasn't working properly, it is now "ahhh cool air at last" Of course now I need to go and put a sweater on when I stand at the sink its that cold.

I made chilli for dinner, cooked all the meat in one pan and heaped a load of beans , tomatoes etc in the large pot. Added the cooked meat and more spices etc....Then did what I do best forgot about it. I wandered into the bedroom , checked my emails etc, after a while I remember the chilli. I go to the kitchen to stir it, "Yikes" as I am stirring there is a burnt smell wafting through the air. I can feel burnt bits on the bottom of the pan, I look down and the heat is on high. I cover my tracks by turning it down to simmer, but not before the smell has been noticed by WP. Of course I lied and said it had been on low all along and its the pan that's cheap and thin.
Of course I know he will read this but what can I say, I have an honest streak.

Today WP made this tasty concoction in the blender, I think it had Ice, Lemon juice, orange juice and brandy all blended up into a slushy. It had a bit too much of a kick so we added sugar and crushed pineapple. Yum.
Trouble is its too cold inside now to eat them. (jk)
Oh and one last thing, WP today demonstrated that he knew how to use the vacuum cleaner, and that he could use it whilst wearing only boxer shorts.
Have a great weekend everyone ;)
Labels: Burnt Food, Cooking, Weather, WP

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