Crazy Spice.

So Geri Halliwell (former Spice Girl) has decided on a name for her new born. Bluebell Madonna , what? Bluebell I could live with but why "Madonna" is she one of these mothers who have to name their child after stars. I remember in the 90's there were lots of little Kylies (Aussie name) popping up or should I say popping out.
Now thanks to Britney Spears the UK is flooded with hundreds of Britneys. Thanks.
In the Hello article Geri reasoned why she came up with that particular name :
The name came to the former Spice Girl during her regular walks in the park towards the end of the pregnancy when she seemed to see the flowers everywhere. "What clinched it for me was my mother telling me that the bluebell is increasingly rare - so it's a precious flower, which seems just right for my daughter."
With her sweet, tiny baby sleeping peacefully in her lap, the first-time mum reveals why Bluebell's dramatic entry into the world made Madonna the obvious choice for a second name. In having an unusual moniker Geri's child is in good company, with the Beckham boys Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, as well as Mel B's daughter who is called Phoenix.
So in other words she has given the poor kid a silly name to keep up with the other spices.
She goes on to say
"In some ways it's like having my own little doll,"
Bluebell, she informs us, has a mini- Mercedes car to play with, is bathed in organic baby scent, has had a manicure and even attempted a few yoga positions.
Had a manicure ? WTF. She is around two weeks old and already experienced a manicure, something I have yet to have.
The "having a doll to play with" comment is a little worrying.Geri you cant put it back in the toybox when you've had enough. Ok so she will have a nanny (probably) to get up at 3am, to deal with gas and crying just for the sake of crying. But what message is this sending out to (possible) fans of hers, young girls who will too "want a little doll to play with" who's going to be the one taking care of their "doll" when they are done playing with it ?

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