Monday, April 02, 2007


The extent of my gardening skills, ok so the people before planted the actual bulbs and shrubs but I did go out there on Friday and weed it all.
The tulips are on their last legs now and thanks to the huge downpour on Saturday evening they are all bent forward.
We have some lilies (my Favourites) coming up though.

Sunday I babysat for the kids up stairs most of the day. It was the boys birthday the day before and he got a new X-box game which he was itching to play but their X-box is very temperamental (I think its on its way out myself).
So he wasn't happy that he could not play it, when they are not happy they tend to fight with each other.

We decided to watch Eragon (which I took up with me) WP had said it was rubbish, I really enjoyed it! And yes I was a little moist eyed at the end....

Then it was time for lunch and of course they both wanted something different, He had canned spaghetti hoops and meatball, she had tomato soup and grilled cheese.

I managed to turn out two perfect grilled cheese sandwiches for once, took my eye off the soup and it decided to boil over....

Then I took them to my place because I had some work to finish up on the PC, It was great, no fighting no arguing.

He got to play his X-box game on ours and she went on the internet on the other PC.
They then swapped over and he went on the internet and me and the girl played a bit of Super Mario.

Even better when I went upstairs I discovered that their Mom has now moved her treadmill into the living room!! I thought I had just got used to sleeping through it.

Thats was Sunday.

This morning I was at the Gym (although my thighs ache like crazy still) did 2 miles on the stepper whilst watching Jerry Springer. Then I moved onto the machines.

Should be doing laundry today but I may put it off another day ;)

Happy Monday.

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