Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Well I bit the bullet...

And joined the Gym today.

I have to be there at 9am tomorrow for my visit with an instructor (Madeline) where they take all your stats ( not looking forward to that) and tell you what will work best for you.

I saw a few comments on Angel Jr's blog about people laughing at unfit people who go to gyms, this put me off a little so the guy assured me that their gym is "intimidation free" unlike the last place he worked ( Golds Gym) where that used to happen a lot.

I looked around and there were some HUGE people there happily working away on the machines so I felt a little better...

I was also looking at the free classes and am leaning towards yoga, any thoughts people ? I am not that supple, but hey imagine the possibilities if I was *Wink*

Perhaps I will turn into a workout freak like Treadmill woman but I wouldn't hold your breath...

I will report tomorrow on my progress, if I survive the ordeal.

Watch this space!


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Location:St Charles, MO,US

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