Saturday, February 24, 2007

Monday again.....

Ok so it's not Monday, its Saturday but as WP has Thur/Fri off at the moment it feels like Monday.

Got a lot done over the "weekend".

Thursday we went to a junk yard where he managed to find the window crank for his truck which for the last few months we have been scouring the internet for, the guy charged him a tenner for two! Deal.
Not only that he also got a glove box and ashtray in the same colour as his dash from the only Ford Ranger in the yard.
He's getting there its taking time but its great!

Friday:Got loads done, took the truck to get some work re-done that had supposed to have been done....
Got to the mechanics, where the complete previous staff had been "let go" and all new people employed. They re-did the work and cleaned all the back brakes for free!
The new manager was a nice guy, although he had one of them eyes that look at you when he is not actually looking at you which when he was talking to me wasn't looking at me.
He thought I was Australian, which is re-freshing, its alot better then being thought of as French!-which I have been asked before...

While they were dealing with the truck we went across the road to Taco Bell. the woman serving wanted to know where I was from and was really excited when I said England, she said my voice reminded her of Supernanny!- I sound nothing like Supernanny- she is from the south. I am from the north, but the woman seemed so excited I had to laugh.
When I first got here a girl in Walgreens asked me if I knew Supernanny... Who would have thought Jo would have made such a huge impact over here...

Went and opened a bank account with the credit union down the road, I am nearly halfway there to the fee's I need to get all my papers in order. Yay!

Went grocery shopping, spent a fortune, nothing new there.

Came home to lots of parcels from the postman, mostly Car speakers, tail lights and computer parts but I ordered a book from e-bay the other day for the bargain price of $2.25+ shipping. It came.
It was an impulse buy I was reading about it online, checked it out on e-Bay where I saw it with a minute left to buy.
Here it is & here is how I was reading it.....

I find the chocolate & walnut cookies go down quite nicely when reading...

Have a great weekend everyone ;)

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