Football, weddings and the number of the beast!

Well first seems that some of the world have gotten themselves into a bit of a tizz, with today being the 6th day of the 6th month of the 6th year. I came across this news story:
Prayer vigil targets Devil's Day
Dutch evangelical Christians are to hold a round-the-clock prayer vigil to ward off the forces of evil on Tuesday - the so-called Devil's Day.
They believe that the sixth day of the sixth month of 2006 has great significance for evil-doers and Satanists who revere the number 666.
In a bid to counteract the forces of evil, more than 2,000 Dutch Christians will hold "a violent day of worship".
They will be joined by Christians in 23 other countries, organisers say.
The reference to 666 is taken from the Biblical book of Revelation, which talks about the events leading to the end of the world.
Revelation 13:18 states: "If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666."
Behind the initiative is a Dutch evangelical organisation called Ambassadors Ministries.
"On this date, Satanists will try and do many things, so we Christians try and do the opposite"
Mathijs Piet
Ambassadors Ministries
Mathijs Piet, one of the organisers, told the BBC news website that the prayer marathon was to officially start at 1800 on Monday with a prayer rally in Jerusalem.
"666 is the number of the Devil and we know that on this date, Satanists will try and do many things, so we Christians try and do the opposite," Mr Piet said.
"We know the Devil hates it when we worship God."
Organisers expect at least 2,000 Dutch evangelicals to take part in the mass prayer vigil across the Netherlands.
They are not the only ones to note the significance of the date.
The fear of the number 666 is known as hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.

Ever the ones to cash in though Vegas are doing specially themed Goth" weddings for those of us who like the "darker" things in life.

Then onto something that I am sure Americans couldn't care less about but I can guarantee that it will have overtaken 90% of rest of the modern world. Yes world Cup Fever
Seems there are a few rows goin on in old Blighty, firstly over the flying of St Georges flag. Some people are taking offence that its not the Union flag being flown, well "England" football supporters are going to fly the flag of St George not the United Kingdom, IE Scotland , Ireland and Wales.
In England we are not patriotic, its not like here where you see the nations flag flying proudly in peoples yards, on their cars etc. The only time we English are patriotic is when either Footy or the Rugby world cups are on and then you cant walk down a street without seeing at least one flag flying. Any other time the flag of St George is flown we are told we are racist and that god forbid we may upset some Muslim or Welshman.
Town councils are banning its cab drivers from flying (or wearing anything with it on) the flag. The Uk's number one food chain banned its delivery drivers from flying the flag ( but was later forced to backtrack and apologise). Neighbours falling out saying that the flying of the flag is lowering property prices!
Seems in England its seen as a "working class" trait. Something the nicer side of town don't want to partake in.
One quote I read summed it up well
" At last we are overcoming post-Empire guilt. The English can stop apologising. We want our national identity back."But no it gets worse, a BBC memo intercepted by the press states that "Radio 1 (BBCS top Radio station) has banned World Cup songs that mention England - in case they upset Welsh, Scots or Irish listeners".
A Radio 1 source said: "We have been told songs that contain the word England repeatedly can't be put on the playlist because we don't want to upset anyone who isn't English. It's ridiculous."
What Bollocks. Don't get me wrong I am not a football fan, but there is something that sort of "sweeps" the nation around world cup time that you want to be part of, you cant help it. so were I there now you could bet that I would rush out and buy me a St Georges flag and fly it with pride, and a big "Up Yours" to those who frown down upon it. ;)

Labels: Americans, England, Sport, Stupid People

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