Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I may not have the energy to type this...

Well I am back from my first Gym visit.

My face is pink.
My thighs feel like jelly.
I am totally unfit.

My trainer Madeline took my stats, gave me a whirlwind tour of the machines, demonstrated how to adjust the seat heights etc, all of which I have now forgotten.

She then said she was going to give me an intensive 20 min workout (oh Joy), where I had to keep moving the whole 20 minuets.

I felt an idiot jogging around the gym( gotta get me some sports bras) past everyone else working out on the treadmills etc.
She had me doing squats with a weight, push ups (knee ones thank god), jumping, balancing on a half ball thingy while lifting weights above my head and all manner of embarrassing things. Luckily I was too totally knacked to look around to see if people were watching me.

She said she wanted me at all times to be an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being where you are gonna pass out!

I was glad when it was over!

She then went onto say she recommended that I sign up for more of this at a cost of only $99 for 3.
She said I will get results this way and that I wouldn't on the machines .
These 20 min workouts are different every time so they shock the body (you can say that again) and get better results.

I politely declined the offer.....Hey for one thing I haven't got $99 to just fritter away on torture sessions and secondly they do these sessions in the corner of the Gym where everyone can see you making a prat of yourself...

I mentioned I was interested in the Yoga and she said she takes that class so I think I am going to do it.
I read my horoscope the other day and it said I need to look into some sort of stress releasing venture such as yoga otherwise it may have health consequences.

What can I say I am not sporty in the slightest, in junior school me and my friend would offer every Friday afternoon to tidy the classroom to get out of PE.
Of course not much tidying ever went on, we did things like explore the boys bathrooms instead(Yes my interest in bathrooms began at a young age).

I think Know I am more comfortable doing geekish like things, but I will persevere....

Now please excuse me while I collapse in a heap on the floor....

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Location:St Charles, MO,US

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