Tuesday, March 20, 2007

How cool is this....

Those lovely people at Google have made my day by finally enabling theme selection on your personalized home pages.

I hate plain old white. If you have a Google account I thoroughly recommend that you make full use of it.

Not only can you add from hundreds of widgets like weather, videos, note pads, sticky notes, games, gossip, you can also have all your bookmarks on there too. Thus meaning what ever computer you are using - be it the libraries, your mothers, brothers, whoever you log into your account and walla! Instant access to your bookmarks, notepads, memos etc.

Now comes the decision I cant decide between this page

Or this one, I am leaning towards this one but like the pink on the first.

After this I have even forgiven them for the beta blogger debacle.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Yahoo...

BTW Someone told me anyone can get a Gmail account nowadays, I am not sure but if anyone wants one let me know I have loads of invites left.


Name: Pixie
Location:St Charles, MO,US

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